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Presso Shaper


Presso Shaper is a device created for comprehensive therapy of swollen and sore limbs. It employs a compression massage technique specifically designed to target and enhance the function of the lymphatic system. Furthermore, it can be used by two people simultaneously. Expand your business with this groundbreaking device or immerse yourself in its pleasures at home, alone or with a companion.

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Discover the full-body lymphatic drainage with Presso Shaper. Adjust the parameters yourself or select one of the 4 built-in programs: anti-cellulite, interval, flat stomach–slim thighs and reduction of arm circumference. The device consists of two sets connected to the control unit, each of which includes a pair of pants and a pair of sleeves. The second user can start their treatment even if one session has already started.


From the User’s perspective:

  • Fat tissue reduction
  • Elimination of excess body water
  • Reduction of swelling and persistently cold feet
  • Stimulation of circulation
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Skin firming and smoothing
  • Cleansing of the body from toxins
  • Slimming of calves, thighs, and arms
  • Abdominal slimming

From the Business Owner’s perspective:

  • Ideal for SPAs, gyms, body shaping salons, physical therapy clinics, wellness centers, and beauty salons
  • Perfect in combination with Roll Shaper
  • Satisfied customers due to the noticeable results
  • Not classified as a medical device – no extra licensing required
  • Allows two people to use the device simultaneously
  • Rapid Return on Investment

Technical details:

  • Weight: 48 kg
  • Dimensions: 46 x 60 x 150 cm
  • Rated voltage: 230V/50Hz
  • Rated power: 260 W
  • Language of the device: English

Additionally, we offer the option to customize the plugs to fit your country’s standards.


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